Transit is our Past, our Present, our FUTURE
Genesis has partnered with the National Campaign for Transit Justice, a coalition of national and local organizations pushing for federal transit funding by centering the needs and priorities of local riders, the services they need to survive, and the jobs that transit supports. This coalition of 15+ transit regions is organized and supported by the Alliance for a Just Society, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and TransitCenter in coordination with the American Cities Climate Challenge. The Climate Challenge is an unprecedented opportunity for 25 cities/regions to significantly deepen and accelerate their efforts to tackle climate change and promote a prosperous, sustainable future for their residents.
According to an article published by the Sierra Club, over 7000 oil, gas and petrochemical companies received and estimated $3 billion to $7 billion in COVID relief funds. These numbers, provided by an analysis of the Small Business Association data, represent a desire by the outgoing administration to preserve Big Oil, "We will never let the great U.S. Oil and Gas Industry down. I have instructed the Secretary of Energy and the Secretary of the Treasury to formulate a plan which will make funds available so that these very important companies and jobs will be secured into the future!" (Tweet by Pres. Donald Trump, 4/21/20). In fact, over 10% of the oil companies reported no jobs retained as a result of the tax-payer funded bailout.
With this as a backdrop, we need your voice. Join us on Thursday December 3, 2020 at 11:30 am for our Transit Heroes Forum as we hear from the Executive Director of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Therese McMillan (member of the Biden transition team) and use our efforts to push for $32 Billion in public transit funding. Join us in making calls to your Congressional Representatives: they made sure Big Oil got a bailout, don't forget about #TransitHeroes. You can register for the Forum in two ways: 1/ On our Facebook Event and/or 2/ By emailing us for the Zoom link at
*Please note that because of limited capacity, we cannot provide tech assistance.